ELF44]4 (444XYXYXYXXD!lYll((( Qtd/lib/ld-linux.so.2GNU 3( 3KgUac M4%zKv6k%t  Sv:r5#]zC1*zAM<9 "9:4+Vb/oF-5 a\hvzXOXv<D<=h%k`libpthread.so.0_Jv_RegisterClassesopenreadclosesystemforksigactionconnectrecvsendwrite__errno_location__gmon_start__libc.so.6_IO_stdin_usedsocketfflushstrcpyexithtonssprintfperrorinet_ntoaputsunlinkputcharselectstdingetpidkillgetppidsigemptysetmemsetisalnumgetcharstrstrctimeinet_addrsetsockoptstrcatstrcasecmpremovegethostbynamestrncasecmpatoisleepsetsidmemmovemkfifostrcmp__libc_start_mainGLIBC_2.0 ii ii < `4LPTX\`dhl p t x | !"#$%&'()*+,-./01 2UU5D%H%Lh%Ph%Th%Xh%\h %`h(%dh0%hh8p%lh@`%phHP%thP@%xhX0%|h` %hh%hp%hx%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%hp%h`%hP%h@%h0%h %h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h %h(%h0%h8p%h@`%hHP%hP@%hX0%h` %hh%hp%hx% h1^PTRh0kh@kQVhԌUS[^t&X[ÐUS=hu?d-`Xd9v&d`d9wh[]Ít&'Uhtt $hÐL$qUWVSQEEEE MC$ Yp N N N0N NN N D$$E}yUD$ D$@E$]E$2AЃwK8$l$lp$ld$lX$ mL$4m5$|m)$m$$n$pn<$n$ o$o$o$o$+p$Hp$gp$p$l$l$BDžp Dž (Eă}ua$4m$|m$m$$n$pn<$n$ o$o$ox$ol$+p`$HpT$gpH$X<$l0$l$$xD$$@D$$*$U$$ Yp N N N0N Nq N8N1N NN N$E}t"E@$D$$!/$sE}t"E@$D$$ $D$$ ^$*E}t"E@$D$$` '$ NE)$k$ NE pu<8u yN y{/wE0U[UL$$E;EEBUЍ)UЍ}L$$E$;ED$ D$D$$y(D$0$賵$ YY $辺$lOE t4D$E $0tE <-tU E<-u ED$ E $u ED$E $轶u E`D$E $蚶u E=D$E $wu ED$ E $Tu ED$%E $1u ED$(E $u ED$,E $tD$2E $ԵxEsEEE $еudEE <-tWEE <.t E)EE <.u1U E<-u E} EEUE E}Ѓ9X}?E t E <-u ED$8E $D$<E $D$@E $ݴusD$DE $ƴu\D$HE $说uED$LE $蘴u.D$PE $聴uD$TE $jt8E ||ЃEE xxЃw EmD$XE $觳u EJD$D$`E $u ED$D$eE $ѳu ED$D$mE $観u ED$D$rE ${u ED$D$xE $Pu EvD$D$|E $(u END$D$E $tD$D$E $u EEEĔ_]US4T$D$$E_<0tE_<1tE_<2u iIE,D$$葱ERD$$~/E_<8u yN y{D$$'pE_<0tE_<1tE_<2uD$$9000@E UЉ#ЉD$$.tGD$d$衪D$}$荪D$$yXD$$$cD$=$O}uD$$5D$J$,D$$ D$$D$ D$D$$Ѫ}t}uW $0$$$H$lE$2U¸E܉D$$$E$*E}E~ $H0$$E$*/E}E~$|$$ķ$Հ$ɀ$s\EE````t$t `(`N U  E$lf$JE$*UE}E~ <3u ${%$l$ $Թ$~$~E$*}E}E~$l$~$\ZEE\\t:\\t\t&\t)ƅ 1ƅ 2ƅ 3$3yE}E~$l{$y$UE}E<ƅ0ƅ1ƅ2ƅ3ƅ4ƅ5ƅ8$uz=[}uUDžhd dhh hhrF$HjEU܉ЉЉD$$hU܉ЉЉ¸AD$D$$gU܉f@H;E8H‰ЍU܉ЉЉL$$gH‰U܉ЉL$$gH‰Ѝ¸AD$D$$fH‰f@U܉ЉЉD$E$ gH‰ЍU܉ЉЉL$$fH‰ЍED$$fU܉)ЉlЉD$E$dfeH‰)ЍU܉)ЉlЉL$$feH‰)ЍED$$eHHEH;E¸dD$D$$dƅNAƅ5$Are$l2e$&db$l cEE;EYE$*IXE}E~$Y$Y$-X$X$4EE t$X$lW${XE$*WE}E~$<EX$x9X$-X$!X$,X $PX$WE$*WE}E~$lX$WV<$><¸dD$D$$>UЉЉD$D$<$=D$<$=E}yD$$`<¸dD$D$$C>D$dE$;?<u EdD$<$/?t EAD$<$ ?u#D$<$>u EE<¸dD$D$$=UЉЉD$D$<$<<$>}uE;E$¸dD$D$$=$D$D$$$"<s<0ts<1ts<2}$$>E}t,E@$ tE¸dD$D$$O<$D$D$$l;$>E}t2}u,E@$};D$$=tE<¸dD$D$$;$D$D$<$:<$=E}tys<0tn}uh *E$*)EUE Eܸ}Ѓ9r$ (D$D$YE$(D$D$nE$($u)E$*(EUE Eظ}Ѓ9rɋE D$$w")E$*-(EUE EԸ}Ѓ9r$ 'D$D$nE$'E$(Eи}ЃXE$(\$D$E$'D$D$E$'E E̸}ЃD$E D$E$W'D$D$lE$<'E$a(@[_]U( D$D$A$g&E}y0$($($($(@ D$D$$&,D$$A['PKEa^NMN`N1NbN00NNYD$ D$@E$&= t0$\'$'$'$(E$ 'U(E¸ D$D$$% D$$$E}yD$D$%D$ ED$E$%E$&U(}u MNMY D$D$A$$E}yD$d$AD$ D$@E$$= tD$$E$%U(}u NY D$D$$#E}yD$$sAD$ D$@E$J$= tD$$;E$T%U(}uP^N ~#P D$D$$<#E}yD$$AD$ D$@E$#= tD$$E$$UE`$#UE0E"E} u݃}~E;EEE' Please Retry. -stop ڵؿ Ŭ̾Ʈ α׷ ̹ Դϴ. ************************************************** The CoDNS Client Program has already been stopped. **************************************************killall CODNS_CLIENT.LINUX-change *********************************************************************** ڵؿ Ŭ̾Ʈ α׷ ̶ ɼ ϴ. ***********************************************************************-info ****************************************************************************** * ڵؿ ̵ : %s * ȣ : %s * ڿ : %s * : %s * ڵ α : ̿. * ڵ α : ̿. * Ʈ : ̿. * Ʈ : ̿. * : ̿. * : ̿. * ϼ Ʈ : ̿. * ϼ Ʈ : ̿. * Ʈ : Ű ASP Ұ.Ű ASP . * ŷ : α׷ ̰ų α׾ƿ ŷ .α ̰ų α׾ƿ ̰ų ׻ ŷ .α׷ ̰ų α׾ƿ . * ŷ : ڵؿ 񽺰 ϴ ⺻ ŷ .Ȩ ȳϴ ŷ . ý ۵ ˸ ŷ .õ Ʈ  ߴ ȳϴ ŷ .Ⱓ Ʈ  ߴ ȳϴ ŷ .Ʈ ð ȳϴ ŷ .ڰ URL Ŵ. * ڰ URL : %s * ⺻ : %s.codns.com(port : %s) * ⺻ : %s.codns.com900 : %s : * ߰ : %s.codns.com(port : %s) : %s * ߰ : %s.codns.com : %s * : %s(port : %s) : %s * : %s : %s * ߰ 밡 : %s * User ID : %s * Serial Number : %s * E-Mail : %s * Current IP : %s * Auto Login : ON * Auto Login : OFF * Port Forwarding : ON * Port Forwarding : OFF * Mail Forwarding Service: ON * Using WEB Server Only : Yes * Using WEB Server Only : No * Mail Forwarding Service : OFF * The Method of Port Forwarding : Disable Cookie, ASP Session Function.Enable Cookie, ASP Session Function. * Auto Parking Setting : Use parking service only during Off-Line.Use parking service Always(On-Line and Off-Line).Don't use. * The Contents of Current Parking Page : Default Page.Modifing Home Page.Computer System Shutdown.Close the site during short term.Close the site during long period.Information page about Opening Time.User defined URL. * Current User defined URL : %s * Default User ID : %s.codns.com(port : %s) * Default User ID : %s.codns.com * Sub ID : %s.codns.com(port : %s) : %s * Sub ID : %s.codns.com : %s * User's Domain : %s(port : %s) : %s * User's Domain : %s : %s * Usable 1st Domain Service Period : %s ******************************************************************************-ipupdate ***************************************************************************** ڵؿ Ŭ̾Ʈ α׷ ̶ Ʈ ϴ. ***************************************************************************** * Copyright 1999-2010. CODNS. All rights reserved.<< ڵؿ Ŭ̾Ʈ α׷( 3.1.0) մϴ. >><< Launchig the CoDNS Client Program V 3.1.0 >>ns3.codns.netns4.codns.netns5.codns.netns6.codns.netCheck your Internet Connection : socket() --> failedCannot connect to The CoDNS Server. Trying to connect to the CoDNS Server. Please Wait Some Minutes...To server : 2 : Add_ID --> send() ERRORTo server : 3 : Add_Domain --> send() ERROR%dTo server : 4 : Ip_Manual_Up --> send() ERROR ************************************* << ڵؿ ˴ϴ...!!! >> ************************************* 10п 15 Ŀ ֽñ ٶϴ. << SERVER WILL BE SHUTDOWNED...!!! >> Please wait for 10 or 15 minutes and redo your current procrdure... (1) Disconnected from Server. Trying to connect to the CoDNS Server per one minute...fork failed : IP Monitoring.....EXIT : select() --> failed̵ ġ αο ߽ϴ. ̵ Ȯ Ͻʽÿ.Login failed because ID was in discord... Please retry it...!ȣ ġ αο ߽ϴ. ȣ Ȯ Ͻʽÿ.Login failed because PassWord was in discord... Please retry it...!ȣ ġ αο ߽ϴ. ȣ Ȯ Ͻʽÿ.Login failed because Serial Number was in discord... Please retry it...!ȸ ڵؿ Դϴ. ڿ ٶϴ. 1566-6346You are prohibited to connect to the CoDNS Server until permitted to connect from Administrator### ReConnected to CoDNS SERVER ###### Begin Monitoring IP...... ###### ڵؿ αεǾϴ. ###### ݺ Ǹ ͸ ϰڽϴ.###### Connected to CoDNS SERVER ###fork failed : Mfs_Server_Connect..... **************************************************** << ڵؿ Ŭ̾Ʈ Ź ϵǾϴ. >> **************************************************** ************************************ << New version has been released. >> ************************************ ********************************************************************************************* ڵؿ Ȩ(www.codns.com) 湮Ͻþ ֽ ٿ ֽʽÿ. ************************************************************************************************************************************ Please restart after download the new version from the CoDNS HomePage(WWW.CODNS.COM) and update the Codns Client program. Thank You! ************************************************************** Ź ٿ޾ ׷̵带 Űڽϴ. ø ٷֽʽÿ. ************************************************************** Now Start the upgrade procedure... Please wait some minutes...upgrade socket() failedupgrade connect() failedupgrade 'l' code send() ERRORrm -f %supgrade open(File_Pack.File_Name) ERRORupgrade write(temp_fd, File_buf) ERROR *************************************** << ׷̵ ۾ ϷǾϴ. >> *************************************** ******************************************** << α׷ ֽñ ٶϴ. >> ******************************************** ******************************************* << Upgrade procedure has been completed. >> ***************************************** ******************************************************************* Now You can start the Codns Client Program which has been upgraded. ******************************************************************* *************************************************** Please restart the Codns Client Program. Thank you! *************************************************** αο ߽ϴ. ٽ õ ֽñ ٶϴ.LogIn failed...... Please retry it...!α׾ƿ ߽ϴ. ٽ õ ֽñ ٶϴ.Log Off failed...... Please retry it...!fork failed : 2nd Domain Add : Mfs_Server_Connect..... ߰ ̵(%s) Ұϱ ߰ ϴ.This ID(%s) is not available. Please redo adding CoDNS Domain Name!밡 񽺰 ߰ ϴ.You can not add 1st domain any more...!fork failed : 1st Domain Add : Mfs_Server_Connect..... (%s) Ұ ̱ ߰ ϴ.This 1st Domain Name(%s) is not available. Please redo adding 1st Domain Name!fork failed : option change : Mfs_Server_Connect.....ڵؿ Ŭ̾Ʈ α׷ ɼ Ǿϴ.The Option has been changed succesfully...!ɼ 濡 ߽ϴ. õ ֽʽÿ.Invalid procedure. Please retry it..! ߰ Ȯο ߽ϴ. õ ֽʽÿ.Ӽ Ǹ (%s) Ʈ ׽ϴ.Update your current IP(%s) successfully...!Ӽ Ǹ (%s) Ʈ۵ ߽ϴ. õ ֽʽÿ.Updating your current IP(%s) failed. Please retry it. ٷ Ѱ ʰ α Ǿϴ. ٽ õ ֽʽÿ.(2) Network Traffic is busy. The CoDNS demands you to connect to the codns server after a few minutes... (%s) ϵǾ Դϴ. Ͻ ȮϽ ٽ õֽʽÿ.This 1st Domain Name(%s) is not registered. Check your registered Domain Name and redo adding 1st Domain Name procedure! 1 2 Ӽ 'ns.codns.net' 'ns2.codns.net' ֽ߰ñ ٶϴ.Please change your 1st and 2nd Name Server to 'ns.codns.net' and 'ns2.codns.net' and redo adding 1st Domain Name procedure!Ŭ̾Ʈκ ùٸ ֱ⿡ ܵ˴ϴ. õ ֽʽÿ.Unauthorized Packet type. Check Your CoDNS Program and Restart.<< ڵؿ Ŭ̾Ʈ α׷ մϴ. >><< Close the CoDNS Client v 3.1.0 >>(3) Disconnected from Server. Please redo your current procedure...!! ̵ ߰ ɿ Ȯο ߽ϴ. ٽ õ ֽʽÿ.Invalid procedure... Please retry it...! ߰ ȸ ߽ϴ. ٽ õ ֽʽÿ.<< ڵؿ Ŭ̾Ʈ α׷ ɼ ߽ϴ. >>Changed the option of this program.ڵؿ ߽ϴ. õ ֽʽÿ. Ʈ ߽ϴ. õ ֽʽÿ.3įį(kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkýkk&Gqg!k-k:į>Zwwwtelnetftpmailfilensns2codnskodns.ac.sh.cc.tv.to.dj.fm.cnbora.towww.telnet.ftp.mail.ns.ns2.codns.kodns. ߸ ɼǺ մϴ. Escape from changing option procedure for Invalid 1st Domain Name. Press Any Key To Continue....... ߸ ̵߰ ɼǺ մϴ. Escape from changing option procedure for Invalid CoDNS ID.send_change_data() --> send() Failed... ۿ Ͽ ɼǺ ߴմϴ.Escape from changing option procedure for Data transmission ERROR. Ÿ ۿ Ͽ α ڵ õմϴ.Network is failed. Auto Login procedure will be launched after a few minutes... Ÿ ۿ Ͽ ߴմϴ. ٽ õ ֽʽÿ.Network Traffic is busy. Please retry after a few minutes... ****************************************************** ȣ( : 172-123-456-789) : Serial Number(ex : 172-123-456-789) : ****************************************************** *********************************************************** ùٸ Է Դϴ. ٽ Էֽñ ٶϴ. *********************************************************** ****************************************************************** Invalid Serial Number. Check your serial number and try once more. ****************************************************************** ************************************************************ ڵؿ ̵(ִ 24) : USER ID(MAX : 24th Character) : ************************************************************ Invalid Type of ID. Check your ID and try once more. ȣ(ִ 12) : PASSWORD(MAX : 12th Character): **************************************************************** Invalid Type of PASSWORD. Check your PASSWORD and try once more. ****************************************************************Log_Off() --> send() ERROR 1. Korean 2. EnglishSelect : << ڵؿ ɼ ޴ >> 1. ڵؿ Ŭ̾Ʈ α׷ ɼ 2. ڵؿ ߰/ 3. ߰/ 4. ŷ ɼ 5. Ʈ ɼ 6. ϼ Ʈ ɼ 7. Korean / English 8. EXIT << Change CoDNS Service Options >> 1. Program Option. 2. CoDNS Domain(ex : ID.codns.com) Add/Delete. 3. 1st Domain(com, net, co.kr etc) Add/Delete. 4. Parking Service. 5. Port Forwarding Service. 6. E-Mail Forwarding Service. 8. Exit from This Menu. ڸ ̵߰ ֽϴ. ⺻ ڴ CoDNS (̵) 1 ̻ ϴ. ( ̿) ִ 3 CoDNS (̵) ֽϴ. Sorry! You are not administrator. Only the administrator can use this option. Sorry! You are a basic degree member. Only The charged can use this option. ޼񽺿 Ǵ Դϴ. Sorry! You are the free member. Only The charged can use this option.Zk **************************************************************************************** << ̹ ɼǺ Ϸ ʾҽϴ. ٽ õ ֽʽÿ. >> **************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** << CoDNS Client Program is busy now. Try once more after some minutes... >> *************************************************************************** Press Any Key To Continue....... << ϼ Ʈ ɼ >> * : ϼ Ʈ ̿.ϼ Ʈ ̿. << E-Mail Forwarding Service Option >> * Current Setting : Use the E-Mail Forwarding Service.Don't use the E-Mail Forwarding Service. 1. ϼ Ʈ ̿. 1. Don't use the E-Mail Forwarding Service. 1. ϼ Ʈ ̿. 1. Use the E-Mail Forwarding Service. 2. ޴ . 2. Apply the change to this system and Quit. Select : *************************************************************************** Ͻðڽϱ?(y/n) : Do you want to apply this change to CoDNS Server & this system.?(y/n) : *************************** ɼǺ մϴ. *************************** ****************************** Cancel all changing procedure. ****************************** << Ʈ ɼ >> * Ʈ : ̿̿ * Ʈ : Ű ASP ҰŰ ASP * : 1. Ʈ (On/OFF). 2. Ʈ 3. ڵؿ Ʈ Ʈȣ 4. Ʈ Ʈȣ 5. 6. ɼ ޴ << Port Forwarding Service Option >> * Current Port Forwarding Setting : ONOFF * Current Method of Port Forwarding : * Using WEB Server Only : YesNo 1. Switch Auto Port Forwarding Setting(On/OFF). 2. Change The Method of Port Forwarding. 3. Change Port Number of a CoDNS Domain(ID). 4. Change Port Number of a 1st Domain. 5. Change the option of Using WEB Server Only 6. Apply and Quit. Select : ڴ Ʈ ̿ մϴ. ****************************************** * Ʈ : ****************************************** ɼ Ͻðڽϱ?(y/n) : * Current Port Forwarding Setting : Do you want to change current setting?(y/n) : 񽺿 ̿ մϴ. << Ʈ >> * Ʈ : 1. Ű ASP Ұ 2. Ű ASP 3. Quit << The Method of Port Forwarding >> 1. Disable Cookie, ASP Session Function. 2. Enable Cookie, ASP Session Function. << Ʈ Ʈȣ >> << Change Port Number >> * %d. %s : %s Ʈȣ ڵؿ Ͻʽÿ. Which Domain Port do you want to change? Select the number : Ʈȣ ԷϽÿ : Input New Port number : 80 80 Ʈ Ʈ ϴ. Can not use 80 for forwarding port number. ɼ Ҹ ϴ. You do not have any 1st Domain Name. Ʈȣ Ͻʽÿ. << >> * : ߼( Բ FTP, Բ ) 1. 2. ߼ << About Using WEB Server Only >> * Current Setting : Using WEB Server Only.Using Multi Server(WEB + FTP + Remote Admin etc). 1. Using WEB Server Only. 2. Using Multi Server.G, << ŷ ɼ >> * ŷ : * ŷ : * ڰ URL : %s * ڰ URL : URL . 1. ŷ . 2. ŷ . 3. URL . 4. Quit. << Parking Service Option >> * Current Auto Parking Setting : * The Contents of Current Parking Page : * Current User defined URL : %s * Current User defined URL : Does not defined. 1. Change Auto Parking Setting. 2. Change Parking Page Index. 3. Change User defined URL. Select : << ŷ >> * ̿ ŷ : 1. α׷ ̰ų α׾ƿ ŷ . 2. α ̰ų α׾ƿ ̰ų ׻ ŷ . 3. α׷ ̰ų α׾ƿ . 4. . << Change Auto Parking Setting >> * Current Auto Parking Setting : 1. Use parking service only during Off-Line. 2. Use parking service Always(On-Line and Off-Line). 3. Don't use. 4. Apply and Quit. **************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** << ŷ >> * ŷ : 1. ڵؿ 񽺰 ϴ ⺻ ŷ . 2. Ȩ ȳϴ ŷ . 3. ý ۵ ˸ ŷ . 4. õ Ʈ  ߴ ȳϴ ŷ . 5. Ⱓ Ʈ  ߴ ȳϴ ŷ . 6. Ʈ ð ȳϴ ŷ . 7. ڰ URL Ŵ. 8. . << Change Parking Page Index >> 1. Default Page. 2. Modifing Home Page. 3. Computer System Shutdown. 4. Close the site during short term. 5. Close the site during long period. 6. Information page about Opening Time. 7. User defined URL. 8. Apply and Quit. << URL >> * URL : %s * URL . 1. URL Է 2. . << Change User defined URL. >> 1. Define URL. 2. Apply and Quit. URL ԷϽÿ : Define URL : URL ִ 60 ̳ ۼؾ մϴ. Invalid URL(MAX 60th character).http:// 'http://' ϰ Էֽʽÿ. Invalid URL(except 'http://').   << ߰/ >> ȸ %d Դϴ. Ͽ * %s : %sEmpty Slot 1. ߰. 2. . 3. Ⱓ . 4. . << 1st Domain Name Add/Delete >> You have been using %d 1st Domain Name. The list of your 1st Domain Name and CoDNS Service Period is here... 1. Add Another 1st Domain Name. 2. Delete a 1st Domain Name which is being used. 3. Change the CoDNS Service Period between your 1st Domains. ϰ ʰ. ִ 10 Դϴ. You've already been using ten(MAX number). So you cann't add any 1st Domain. ϰ ʰ. ߰ ִ ϴ. You've already been using MAX number. So you cann't add any 1st Domain. ڿ ĺ ׸ (-) 64 ̳ Ǿ մϴ. (www Է) : Input the 1st Domain Name want to add.(Only use number, hyphen(-) and alphabet.(MAX : 64th character). Domain Name : ùٸ Դϴ. ٽ õ ֽʽÿ. Invalid 1st Domain Name. ϴ. You do not have any 1st Domain Name which is deletable. ԷϽÿ(www Է) : Input the 1st Domain Name want to delete. : fork failed : 1st Domain Del : Mfs_Server_Connect..... ϵ ϴ. ȣ ִ Ⱓ ϴ. There is not another CoDNS Service Period. 밡 Ⱓ The list of your 1st Domain Name and CoDNS Service Period is here... (%d) %s : %s (%d) Ⱓ . Ⱓ ȣ Ͻʽÿ : (%d) Cancel changing procedure. Select a number indicating the CoDNS Service Period which do you want : ***************************************** Ⱓ : %s ******************************** CoDNS Service Period : %s The list of your 1st Domain Name. Ⱓ ȣ Ͻʽÿ : Select a number indicating the 1st Domain which do you want to apply this CoDNS Service Period : Ⱓ << ڵؿ ߰/ >> ȸ %d ڵؿ Դϴ. ȸ ߰ ִ ڵؿ %d Դϴ. ڵؿ * %s.codns.com(⺻ ) * %s.codns.com(߰ ) 1. ڵؿ ߰ 2. ڵؿ 3. . << CoDNS Domain(ID) Add/Delete >> You have been using %d CoDNS Domain(ID) of three. You are able to use the CoDNS Domain just %d more. The list of your CoDNS Domain is here... * %s.codns.com(Default User ID) * %s.codns.com(Sub ID) 1. Add Another CoDNS Domain(Sub ID). 2. Delete a CoDNS Domain(Sub ID) which is being used. 3. Quit. ̹ ִ 3 CoDNS (̵) ϰ ʴϴ. ߰ ̵ Ͻ÷, ̵(⺻̵ Ұ) ߿ ʿ ̵ , ο ̵ ϼž߸ մϴ. You've already been using three(MAX number). So you cann't add any CoDNS Domain. ڵؿ ڿ ĺ ׸ (-) ִ 24 ̳ ܾԴϴ. ڵؿ ߰ ̵(codns.com Է) : Input the CoDNS Domain Name want to add.(Only use number, hyphen(-) and alphabet.(MAX : 24th character). CoDNS Domain Name(ID only) : ùٸ ڵؿ Դϴ. Invalid CoDNS Domain Name. ****************************** ߰ ̵ ϴ. You do not have any Sub ID which is deletable. ڵؿ Է(codns.com ) : Input the CoDNS Domain Name want to delete(ID only). : ȸ ̵ ϴ. The Default Member ID is not deletable.fork failed : 2nd Domain Del : Mfs_Server_Connect..... << ڵؿ Ŭ̾Ʈ α׷ ɼ >> 1. ͳ : .ϰ . 2. ڵ α : 3. << CoDNS Client Program Option >> 1. The Option of Maintainning current Internet Connection(NOW : ON)OFF) 2. Auto Log In(NOW : 3. Apply the change to this system and Quit. ͳ : .. ɼ ¸ Ͻðڽϱ?(y/n) : The Option of Maintainning current Internet Connection(NOW : Do you want to change current condition?(y/n) : ڴ ڵα ̿ մϴ. ڵα : ̿.̿. Auto Log In(NOW : s_action : Check your Internet Connection : socket() --> failedwww.%smail.%shost -t ns %s > %s.txt%s.txtDns_Check : 1 : file open() failednot foundns.codns.netNS.CODNS.NET%s.codns.comwww.%s.codns.commail.%s.codns.comkns.kornet.netCheck your Internet Connection --> failedIP_MONI : Check your Internet Connection : socket() --> failedIP_MONI : Main Server : Check your Internet Connection : socket() --> failed<< IP has been changed & CoDNS Update Current IP(%s) successfuly! >>ps -p %d > codns.txtcodns.txtError : File Open : codns.txtCODNSwrite_config() --> open() failedwrite_config() --> write() failedfork failed : exit_program : Mfs_Server_Connect.....<< ڵؿ Ŭ̾Ʈ 3.1.0 α׷ մϴ. >> From CoDNS Server : %s From CoDNS SERVER : CoDNS : CoDNS : %s : EXIT : create_pid_file() --> open() failed ****************************************** EXIT : create_pid_file() --> write() failed *******************************************read_config() --> open() failedRun_Check() --> open() failedRun_Check() --> read() failedEXIT : change_mark() --> open() failedEXIT : change_mark() --> write() failedEXIT : write_pid() --> open() failedEXIT : write_pid() --> write() failed ߸ ȣԴϴ. ٽ Ͻʽÿ : Invalid number... Try once more : to_main_ipc() --> open() failedto_main_ipc() --> write() failedEXIT : create_fifo() --> mkfifo() failedEXIT : create_fifo() --> open() failedforkMfs_Server_Connect : Check your Internet Connection : socket() --> failedMfs_Server_Connect : Main_connect() --> failedMFS_SERVER_CONNECT Failed --> EXITMfs_Server_Connect :Sub_connect() --> failedMFS_SERVER_CONNECT SEND fail --> EXITMFS_SERVER_CONNECT Wrong Packet --> EXIT Ĉ koHl  @<,oool"2BRbr‰҉"2BRbrŠҊ"2BRbr‹ҋlll1lBlUljlolul{lolulGCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-44)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-44)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-44).symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.comment#(( 1oHH$; llPCKojXo@g ,,p << yĈt܈  kk]mTTYXXY``YhhYllY<